What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6? IPv6 stands for IP Version 6. This newer implementation enables a wider scope for issued addresses. In total there can be 2^128 addresses. These are generally displayed in a hexadecimal format.

How to Change IPv4 and IPv6 DNS Server Address in Windows A DNS (Domain Name System) server is the service that makes it possible for you to open a web browser, type a domain name and load your favorite websites. A new version of the IP protocol (IPv6) has been invented to offer virtually limitless number of unique addresses. An IP address is written in "dotted decimal" notation, which is 4 sets of numbers separated by period each set representing 8-bit number ranging from (0-255). Subnet masks (IPv4) and prefixes (IPv6) identify the range of IP addresses that make up a subnet, or group of IP addresses on the same network. For example, a subnet can be used to identify all the machines in a building, department, geographic location, or on the same local area network (LAN). In my next blog post on IPv6, I will cover: How to setup DHCP for IPv6 to dynamically issue addresses in your block of IPv6 addresses. This is a little trickier, while the DHCPv6 tool is the same

You are not IPv6 compliant. IPv4 address

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol that allows communication and data transfers to take place over the network. IPv6 came into existence in 1998 with the sole purpose of taking over and replace IPv4 protocol one day. My users can't reach test-ipv6.com. Send email to jfesler@test-ipv6.com. If your IPv6-only network has dedicated name servers, or a dedicated BGP ASN, jfesler will enable AAAA records for test-ipv6.com for you. Sep 22, 2016 · If you don’t have an IPv6-enabled router yet, you don’t need to buy a new one just to get it. An ISP With IPv6 Enabled: Your Internet service provider must also have IPv6 set up on their end. Even if you have modern software and hardware on your end, your ISP has to provide an IPv6 connection for you to use it.

IPv6 is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched internetworking and provides end-to-end datagram transmission across multiple IP networks, closely adhering to the design principles developed in the previous version of the protocol, Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).

Dec 10, 2014 · IPv4 and IPv6 are nothing but internet protocol (IP) and known as Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). These days most of the systems have IPv6 enabled as IPv6 is capable to handle more network traffic than IPv4. IPv6 was developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to overcome on the issues with IPv4.