Freest Countries 2020 - World Population

Apr 18, 2019 Limits on Freedom of Expression - Library of Congress The terms “freedom of speech” and “freedom of expression” as used in this report are interchangeable. Quotations in this summary were taken from the relevant country surveys. I. Limits on Public Speech All countries surveyed appear to expressly recognize the right to freedom of speech as a constitutional or fundamental right. How many countries have freedom of speech - How many? Nov 14, 2018

How many countries have freedom of speech - How many?


“All victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action,” said Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General. If the council has the mission of “promoting and protecting all human rights around the globe”, they should re-evaluate the list and remove countries like Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Venezuela, China, Congo, and Iraq.

Free Speech Around the World | Thoreau Farm