Feb 18, 2013
Kebrum Reviews 2020 - Why 0 Stars? Kebrum VPN keeps things simple with their plans. All the packages they offer have the same features and benefits we’ve discussed so far. The only difference is the … HOW TO CONFIGURE KEBRUM VPN ~ SHARING IS CARING Aug 10, 2011
7. Edit your demo.udp config file below, "copy and paste into demo.udp notepad": persist-key persist-tun client dev tap comp-lzo tls-client tls-remote server ns-cert-type server tls-auth ssl/ta.key 1 cert ssl/client.crt key ssl/client.key ca ssl/ca.crt verb 3 lport 53 persist-local-ip reneg-sec 0 mute-replay-warnings hand-window 120 mute 20
Feb 04, 2012 OK Baiklah, Nih Tutorial Instal OpenVPN di VPS - ARI-F.COM Pertama saya beri nama HANTU-UDP.ovpn. Pindah dulu ke cd clientconfig kemudian vim HANTU-UDP. ovpn Isikan mantra ini: client dev tun proto udp remote 1194 resolv-retry infinite route-method exe resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun ca ca.crt auth-user-pass comp-lzo verb 3
Jun 23, 2013
May 31, 2012 quieres mas de 100 megas?? entra - Celulares en Taringa! Feb 18, 2013 VPN not working? Find out which ports to open to allow VPN