Belkin Routers :: Slow Internet Connection With N600
Belkin AC1600 Dual-Band AC Gigabit Wi-Fi Router (F9K1119) The Belkin AC1600 Wi-Fi router lets you access the Internet on multiple computers or mobile devices from virtually anywhere in your home. Exclusive MultiBeam technology expands Wi-Fi coverage to ensure a strong signal for streaming and gaming, even if you're accessing the Internet at a great distance from the router. Netgear N600 WNDR3700v2 slow internet wifi connect We are experiencing slow internet speeds wifi and wrired. I may for 20/1 MEG DSL and currently only getting 4/.1 Meg. I have reset the router back to factory settings. We are currently using the 2.4 ghtz. WE have had the modem from the internet provider tested and it is reaching its full potential with the package that we have purchased.
I have an issue with my Belkin AC900 DB router not connecting to the internet. I called tech support at Comcast an hour ago because I upgraded my internet service from 3mbps to 25mbps and it wasn't faster than 3mbps. The tech got my internet speed working when I connected it Ethernet cable from the router to my laptop but when she got off the
Jul 10, 2009 Belkin router slows or stops Internet tra… - Apple Community Dec 27, 2009
Belkin is not exactly known for their quality products. "300 Mbps" has nothing to do with the routing speed nor is it a claim of such. It is just the maximum wireless link speed on 2.4 GHz, nothing more. That router can also link at 867 Mbps on 5 GHz, but again that has nothing to do with the routing part.
Do routers slow down your internet speed? - Page 2 Do routers slow down your internet speed? My Belkin wireless router was giving me problems recently. I called my cable ISP and they told me there were issues with this unit. Even with a BELKIN AC 1600 DB USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib